It’s all well and good when an actor brings life or death stakes to their performance. What’s happening here – what’s really damn special and unique and important about doing this particular work here and now – is that it brings life or death stakes to the production itself.
I’m learning, learning about blood and art and bruises and stories and human beings and language and hope and despair and possibility.I’m lucky, lucky to have been offered a challenge like this, lucky to learn as I go from adapting and directing my first full length play earlier in the year to the complete opposite end of the theatrical spectrum.I’m lucky to work on something that every day inspires me to work my hardest to be more honest, more passionate, more inventive, more creative. More human.
More alive.
And at the end of the long day and the even longer night…
… isn’t that why we do what we do?
– Alejandro Stepenberg (@AlejoStep)

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