New Releases, Site Updates and the Like

It’s been an eventful 2017 so far, and lots of work is, well, in the works. When I started Last Train Theatrics,  it was a place for a quirky good friends to do voice over work, do some heart wrenching indie stage performance and have wine drinking fun performing silly ebooks from Amazon for kicks. What I didn’t expect it to be was a place where I would launch a slow, but steady building of my own voice over career. But you didn’t come for digital prose. You came for the updates.


There is now a new Voice Over Page

Finally, a portfolio page of work I can be proud of. If you’re curious about rates, quotes and the like for your projects, don’t hesitate to contact me or pop over to any of the websites where I sell my vocal wares!


Buckled Down | A Mata Marrow Mystery is now on SALE.

Mata Morrow, with wonder dog Toby in tow, has made her move to Portland at a pivotal moment for her budding career as a designer of travel clothing. Her entrepreneurial ambitions are threatened when old friend, Jo, appears on the scene with an urgent request for help. Jo has new information about a daughter she was forced to give up decades before. Unsettling details emerge surrounding the daughter’s birth story. As the hunt intensifies, a sinister pattern materializes.

Buckling down to cut out a place for herself in the local fashion zeitgeist, Mata stitches together a vibrant personal network and enlists her brainy book group in the task of solving these mysteries. Will justice be served by weaving together the powers of the well-read with the well-dressed?

The series lovingly explores the Portland environs while entering the psyches of the Pacific Northwest’s quixotic and quirky communities.


Before Ray | A Novel about the Rich, the Poor and the Love In Between

Miss King is 42. From Detroit. She’s a heavy smoker. The novel takes place in the mid-eighties. She dropped out of high school in the ninth grade. She’s bitter about her life and her failed marriage. She has a bitter tone most of the time. She’s an unhappy woman, and she dislikes her son. She’s a very pretty woman, but she doesn’t look the way you might imagine her to speak. Her voice is a little raspy, not much. Set in Detroit.